Company Client First name * Last name * Date of birth * Place of birth * Profession * Religion * Roman catholic Protestant Old catholic No religious affiliation Others Maritale status * single married * divorced * widowed * separated * * since Children Number of children * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Contact info Street/house number * Postcode * Town * Property / Rent * Property Rent Purchase date * Move-in date * Client email * Client telephone number * Bank Coordinates Account holder * IBAN * BIC * Income Client Receipts income from employment * yes no place of work * Germany Luxembourg name of the employer * additional income from agriculture and forestry from trade from independent work from capital assets from rentals and leases from pensions / other income What can we do for you? I am interested in * Advice tax advice Preparation of Income tax return for Germany Preparation of Income tax return for Luxembourg Preparation of Income tax return for Germany and Luxembourg Other topics (to be defined) additional services Feature Are there physical disabilities in the aforementioned persons (also child) * yes no Other information Language selectorDeutsch Français